Linda Wood stands in a room with blue walls. She wears a gray/beige collared shirt.

Linda Wood


Linda Wood (Chiloquin) is a quilter and founding member of the Chiloquilters. Wood has a knack for her “scrappy” colorful quilts, an older traditional style that involves putting together many different fabrics into one quilt. She is constantly working on projects and estimates she’ll have to live to be 104 to make all the quilts she has planned.


After a busy career in the medical field, sometimes working two jobs, Linda Wood knew she wanted to quilt upon retirement. When she moved to Chiloquin in 1999, Wood put up a notice on a community bulletin board; she asked those interested in quilting to a meeting. Thirty-five women showed up, and they formed two groups: one that met weekly, and one that met monthly. The weekly group continues today as the Chiloquilters, whose members interact together as quilters and friends. Besides making group quilts for community charities, Wood makes quilts for her family, including her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. She has also taught grandchildren and great-grandchildren to quilt. On an extended cross-country trip with her husband, Wood visited over 90 quilt shops. Along the way, she purchased fabrics for and worked on a quilt she calls her “trip quilt.” Its “Winding Road” pattern documents the many interesting places, attractions, and scenery the couple saw during their trip. Wood has a knack for her “scrappy” colorful quilts, an older traditional style that involves putting together many different fabrics into one quilt. She is constantly working on projects and estimates she’ll have to live to be 104 to make all the quilts she has planned.

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