Gayle poses while painting.

Gayle Oram

Norweigan Rosemåling

Gayle Oram (Pleasant Hill) is a traditional Norwegian Rosemåler. Rosemåling is the decorative art of painting objects with stylized flower and scroll motifs. Oram has been painting for more than thirty years. She holds an Master of Decorative Art certification and has traveled all over the United States and abroad to teach Rosemåling. Oram has written eight books and counting on the subject.


Gayle Oram’s Norwegian Rosemaling painting career spans more than thirty years. Art was her minor, Home Economics Education her major in college. Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine traveling across the United States and abroad to teach a form of art. Oram first encountered Rosemaling in 1977 in Petersburg, Alaska (a Norwegian fishing settlement with Rosemaling painted on the store fronts). Over the years, Gayle has conducted seminars, local classes, and has published eight books about Rosemaling. She holds a Master of Decorative Art (MDA) certification through the Society of Decorative Painters and earned a Gold Medal in Rosemaling from Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum. She has hopes to write a ninth book about European flowers some day when time allows. Oram teaches Rosemaling to the general public from her home in Pleasant Hill, Oregon.

Awards and Honors

2023-2024 TAAP Recipient, 1980 Master of Decorative Art (MDA) certification through the Society of Decorative Painters, 2000 Gold Medal in Rosemaling from Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum, numerous ribbons from the Sons of Norway conventions’ cultural competition.

Programs Offered

Gayle offers numerous seminars and classes on Rosemåling. Visit the links or use the contact information below for more details.


The OFN recommends that artists/culture keepers receive a fee of at least $250 plus travel expenses. Please contact artist directly.
