Betty Morris stands outside in front of a tree and holds a red and white winter themed quilt. She wears a pale yellow shirt.

Betty Morris


Betty Morris (Lakeview) makes quilts for her family. She makes quilts to celebrate holidays and uses both traditional patterns and contemporary designs in her unique creations. Morris also teaches children to quilt.


Betty Morris has made quilts for her children, grandchildren and now great-grandchildren, following in the tradition of her mother, also an excellent seamstress and quilter. Morris loves to make quilts and quilted wall hangings and tablecloths to celebrate holidays, such as Christmas and Halloween. Her playful quilts both entertain and teach children. One wall hanging Morris made is a map of the United States with each state in a specific fabric for the date it entered the Union. She also participated in the making of an album quilt commemorating the Oregon Trail. Morris has made traditional patterns such as “Checkers and Rails” and a redwork quilt, and also goes contemporary with her fun Halloween designs.

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